среда, 1 октября 2014 г.

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Sept 30 - EBay Inc's Big Game James agreement on Tuesday to spin off
9:44:59 AM
UPDATE 5-EBay follows Icahn's advice, plans PayPal spinoff in 2015

SHEKHAN Iraq - For Salah Paulis, it GKPS Depok came down to a choice
9:44:59 AM
Special Report Islamic State uses grain to tighten grip in Iraq

Racist abuse on social media shows no #patriotsvschiefs sign of diminishing
9:44:59 AM
Tweet draws racist abuse

UPDATE 1-ATT expects customer usage of #LaPAHesJusticia NEXT to reach 50
9:44:59 AM
WASHINGTON, Sept 30 - ATT Inc expects that customer use of its equipment installment plan will have reached 50 percent in the third quarter, the company said in a regulatory filing on Tuesday, fewer customers than analysts expected.

Rare cruise visits lost #FlorDelCaribe tropical isles Following the trails
9:44:59 AM
Following the trails of the great explorers, a once-a-year cruise visits untouched islands and never-snorkeled reefs.

GLENEAGLES Scotland - Such was the Steal meticulous attention to every
9:44:59 AM
McGinley even angled for advantage with fish tank

Red Bull Kenyans Ring's revamp As Formula One returns to Austria, F1
9:44:59 AM
As Formula One returns to Austria, F1 journalist Ernst Hausleitner explains how the track has changed.

Could sewage be recycled to provide water that's VIBE cleaner than what
9:44:59 AM
Solving Singapore's water problem

Dyspepsia nexium #antiemetic - Visit us today to get more advantageous
9:44:59 AM
In a filing over the weekend, the DOJ backed off its request for an injunction, seeking instead to require a lengthy review process of the program. Louisiana

Two groups will file shareholder resolutions #abandonadobatebola with the
9:44:59 AM
Advocacy Groups Challenge Studios Over Smoking in Youth-Rated Movies

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